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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Connecting ubuntu to Internet through a 3G modem with sakis3g script

There are many Data cards or you can say Dongles available in market such as Micromax but ubuntu 10.04 does not recognise it ,this is due to reason that ubuntu thinks it as a memory device not as a modem.
You have to manually switch the dongle to modem. Sakis3g is a script currently available,just search it out on google you will surely get it or download from it here Sakis3g.

After downloading the script you have to make it executable by right clicking on it and in the permissions option make it executable,the option would be below in gnome desktop or do it from terminal as follws:

copy the sakis3g to Desktop and open the terminal through Applications->Accessories->Terminal.
user@ubuntu:~$ cd Desktop
user@ubuntu:~$sudo chmod +x sakis3g                                          //to make script executable
user@ubuntu:~$./sakis3g --config

Make sure that Desktop have a capital D and replace sakis3g by the script name you have downloaded.
Now script will run and click the connect with 3g option let it do the task required,
an if it fails don't leave your seat just try 4-5 times it will run surely if it is a 3g modem.

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